Inside the Courtroom: Exploring the Different Roles and Responsibilities of Court Staff

Inside the Courtroom: Exploring the Different Roles and Responsibilities of Court Staff

Court Rooms are generally broken down into various roles needed to fulfil the purpose of the court. The core roles required to fill most court rooms in most cases are listed below with a brief description. The purpose of this article is to give you a small insight into required roles and a simplified summary of their responsibilities within the court.

Different levels of court will require different roles and matters that are bought before them. Different level of Queensland Courts can be found here.


Judges are tasked with controlling the court room and interpreting the law in the matter presented before them at District and Supreme Courts. The role in multiple judges being present can change depending on the court type and the matter at hand.

Judges Associates

1 Judge’s associate is assigned for each judge. They perform clerical tasks and assistance to their assigned judge and the court when directed by the judge.

Baliff or Court Staff

A baliff is tasked and appointed by the magistrate’s court to carry out the judgements, processes and orders that are authorised by the Magistrates Courts Act 1921.

The Public

Unless otherwise directed by the court, the public can view the proceedings of the court in a dedicated public viewing gallery generally located at the rear of the courtroom.

Representatives from the Office of the Director or Public Prosecutions

A Barrister

All Barristers are lawyers, but not all lawyers are Barristers. Barrister have far more experience in court proceeding than a lawyer and is often leant on for this expertise. They generally specialize in courtroom advocacy and litigation.


Solicitors can be appointed to either party by the court or approached independently for representation for either party. It is recommended to engage a solicitor for all legal dealings. Solicitors can represent a defendant or also be a part of the prosecutions.

Corrective Services Officer

A Corrective Services Officer will be present if either party is currently in custody. They will be seated usually within a contained dock to the side of the courtroom.

Interested in learning more about solicitors and the important role they play in the legal system? Check out our latest article to gain valuable insights and information about the legal profession. Click here to read more!

A Friend

Bringing a friend is possible, but you must seek leave of the court if you wish to self-represent and have a friend to help you at the bar table. Your friend can also be seated within the public gallery.

If you’re facing legal issues and need expert guidance in navigating the Court process, AKS is here to help. Contact us today to discuss your situation and learn how our experienced team can assist you


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