Breach of Contract Lawyers in Queensland

“Breach of contract litigation involves the legal process for resolving disputes arising from the failure to fulfil the terms of a contract. This type of litigation addresses issues such as non-performance, delayed performance, or defective performance of contractual agreements. The process includes filing a lawsuit, engaging in pre-trial discovery, negotiating settlements, and potentially proceeding to trial to seek remedies such as damages, specific performance, or contract rescission.”

Aaron Stewart

Principal Solicitor & Legal Practice Director

We Understand Breaches of Contract

At AKS Law, we know that contract breaches are serious legal matters. They can have significant financial and operational impacts on your business.

Led by Aaron Stewart, our Principal Solicitor and Legal Practice Director, our team is dedicated to providing ethical, strategic, and experienced legal services across Queensland.

We go the extra mile to ensure that your rights are protected and that you achieve the best possible outcome.

Who We Are

AKS Law specialises in many areas of law, including breach of contract litigation. We offer our unparalleled legal expertise in relevant legislation, laws, and codes.

You can trust us to operate with the highest ethical standards, providing transparent, practical, and commercially sound advice.

From material breaches to repudiation, we know the ins and outs – and we’ll support you every step of the way.

Why Choose AKS Law for Your Breach of Contract Litigation?

What Kind of Legal Matters Are Contained in Breach of Contract Disputes?

Contracts are the backbone of business transactions. Both parties rely on the terms of their contract for security and predictability – so if the contractual agreements are breached, issues can quickly arise.

At AKS Law, we help you navigate the resulting contract dispute with your best interests in mind. Here are some common types of contract breaches that may require legal advice and assistance:

Material Breach

A material breach is a significant violation that strikes at the heart of the contract, depriving the non-breaching party of the benefits they were supposed to receive. This type of breach goes beyond minor issues and typically justifies the non-breaching party in terminating the contract and seeking damages.

Minor Breach

A minor breach, also known as a partial breach, involves a less severe violation that does not fundamentally undermine the contract but still entitles the non-breaching party to seek remedies. While the overall purpose of the contract remains intact, the non-breaching party may claim damages to compensate for the specific aspects of the contract that were not fulfilled.

Anticipatory Breach

An anticipatory breach of contract occurs when one party indicates, either through their actions or explicit statements, that they will not fulfil their contractual obligations before the performance is due. This allows the non-breaching party to take immediate action, such as contract termination and suing for damages, without having to wait until the breach of contract occurs.

Fundamental Breach

A fundamental breach is a severe violation that goes to the very root of the contract, allowing the non-breaching party to terminate the contract and seek damages from the other party. This type of contract breach is so substantial that it undermines the entire agreement and renders it meaningless.


Repudiation occurs when one party demonstrates an unwillingness or inability to perform their contractual obligations, giving the other party the right to terminate the contract. This can be shown through explicit refusal to perform, actions that make performance impossible, or other behaviour that clearly indicates the contract will not be honoured. No matter the type of contractual dispute you are dealing with, AKS Law is here to assist you in even the most complex cases.Contact us today for an initial consultation with seasoned breach of contract lawyers.

Resolve Your Disputes with a Breach of Contract Lawyer

If you are facing a potential breach of contract, whether material, minor, or something more serious, we’re here to help. Protect your best interests and aim for a satisfactory outcome by working with a skilled lawyer here at AKS Law.  

Learn More About Breach of Contract Lawyers

Breach of Contract Litigation FAQs

First, review the written contract terms and communicate your concerns with the other party. If the issue is not resolved, seek legal advice to understand your rights and options as the innocent party. Document all communications and gather evidence to support your claim, which will be crucial if legal action becomes necessary. 

No, going to court should be a last resort. Alternative contract dispute resolution methods like negotiation and mediation are often recommended to save time and costs. These methods can lead to mutually acceptable solutions without the adversarial nature of court proceedings. 

Yes, if applicable to your case. Compensatory damages cover direct losses, while consequential damages cover indirect losses. It’s important that the innocent party provides evidence for both types of damages to ensure proper compensation for all financial impacts of the breach. 

The limitation period is typically six years from the date of the breach. This period may vary depending on the specific circumstances of your case, so consulting with legal professionals early on is advisable to avoid missing critical deadlines. 

A successful claim requires proving the existence of a valid contract, the breach, and the resulting damages. Clear evidence and legal representation enhance your chances of success as the innocent party. Additionally, demonstrating that you have fulfilled your obligations under the contract can strengthen your position. 

In Queensland, contract law is primarily governed by common law principles, with some statutory supplements. Key aspects include: 

  • Limitation Period: The limitation period for breach of contract claims in Queensland is typically six years from the date of the breach. 
  • Remedies: Available remedies include specific performance, damages (compensatory and consequential), and rescission of the contract. 
  • Proof of Breach: To succeed in a breach of contract claim, you must prove the existence of a valid contract, the breach, and the resulting damages. 

Australian Consumer Law (ACL) provides additional protections that complement traditional contract law. ACL includes specific consumer guarantees that apply to goods and services, ensuring they meet acceptable standards of quality and fitness for purpose. If these guarantees are not met, consumers can seek remedies such as repair, replacement, or refund, which can be pursued alongside breach of contract claims​ 

Not always. A breach of confidentiality can constitute a breach of contract if the confidentiality obligations are explicitly stated in the contract. For example, if a contract includes clauses that mandate the protection of certain information, and one party fails to comply with the company’s confidentiality policy, the other party can claim damages based on the breach of these specific terms.  

A written contract is a legally binding agreement between parties that outlines their obligations and rights. In breach of contract litigation, a written contract serves as crucial evidence to determine whether a party has failed to fulfil its obligations. Courts typically interpret the terms of the written contract to assess whether a breach has occurred. 

When a party breaches a contract by failing to meet its obligations, the injured party may pursue legal action through the court system. The legal system provides mechanisms for resolving breach of contract disputes, including awarding damages or specific performance to the injured party. 

In breach of contract litigation, an experienced lawyer can provide invaluable guidance and representation. They can help interpret the terms of the written contract, assess the implications of a party’s failure to perform, and advocate for the injured party’s rights. Additionally, a lawyer can navigate the complexities of implied terms and effectively present the case before the court.