Bankruptcy Lawyers Brisbane

Aaron Stewart

“Bankruptcy law governs the process through which individuals or businesses seek relief from unmanageable debt. It involves legal proceedings where debtors can either eliminate or repay their debts under the protection of the bankruptcy court. The process includes filing a petition, automatic stay provisions to halt collections, assessment of debtor’s assets, and categorising debts.”

Principal Solicitor & Legal Practice Director

We Are Experts in Bankruptcy Law

At AKS Law, we understand that financial distress can be overwhelming – whether it involves personal bankruptcy or commercial insolvency.

Led by Aaron Stewart, our Principal Solicitor and Legal Practice Director, our team is dedicated to providing ethical, strategic, and experienced legal services across Queensland.

We go the extra mile to ensure that your rights are protected and that you achieve the best possible outcome.

Who We Are

AKS Law specialises in many areas of law, including insolvency law. We offer our unparalleled expertise in relevant legislation, laws, and codes.

You can trust our law firm to operate with the highest ethical standards, providing transparent, practical, and commercially sound advice. From filing your bankruptcy to protecting your assets, we know the ins and outs – and we’ll support you every step of the way. 

Why Choose AKS Law for Your Bankruptcy Litigation?

What Kind of Legal Matters Are Contained in Bankruptcy Law?

Bankruptcy lawyers specialise in insolvency law, helping clients navigate the complex legal landscape of bankruptcy. Our services include consultation and assessment, filing for bankruptcy, legal representation, debt management, and asset protection.

Personal Bankruptcy

Personal bankruptcy is a legal process where individuals who cannot pay their debts can get relief from some or all of their obligations. Here are some key aspects:

Corporate Insolvency

Corporate insolvency occurs when a business cannot pay its debts as they fall due. Key aspects include:

Implications for Directors

Directors of insolvent companies have specific duties and potential liabilities:

Resolve Your Disputes with a Bankruptcy Lawyer

If you are preparing to file for bankruptcy or navigating legal matters related to insolvency, we’re here to assist you. Our team of skilled insolvency lawyers at AKS Law work tirelessly to protect the interests of our clients and make the process as smooth sailing as possible.

Contact us today to get the ball rolling with a consultation. 

Learn More About Bankruptcy Lawyers in Brisbane

Bankruptcy Litigation FAQs

If you’re facing bankruptcy, it’s crucial to seek expert legal advice promptly to understand your rights and explore available options. Depending on your circumstances, alternatives like debt agreements or personal insolvency agreements might offer a more manageable path forward, and there may be voidable transactions you can eliminate before the process begins. An experienced bankruptcy lawyer can guide you through the process effectively. 

Bankruptcy carries significant consequences, impacting your credit rating and ability to obtain credit, and potentially requiring the surrender of certain assets. Understanding these implications is essential, and consulting with a lawyer can help you navigate the complexities of bankruptcy law while mitigating its effects on your financial future. 

Yes, directors can indeed be held personally liable if they allow the company to continue trading while insolvent or engage in creditor-defeating dispositions. This legal responsibility underscores the importance of diligent financial management and compliance with insolvency laws to avoid personal liability. 

Typically, bankruptcy lasts for three years and one day, though certain circumstances may warrant an extension of this period. Understanding the duration of the process is essential for planning and managing your financial affairs during and after bankruptcy, making legal advice invaluable in navigating this timeline effectively. 

Alternatives to bankruptcy include debt agreements, insolvency agreements, and voluntary insolvency. These options offer relief from financial strain without the severe and enduring consequences of bankruptcy. Exploring these alternatives with the guidance of a lawyer can help you make informed decisions aligned with your best interests and financial goals. 

Bankruptcy notices are formal demands issued by secured creditors to debtors who owe at least $10,000. If a debtor fails to comply with the bankruptcy notice within 21 days, it can lead to a creditor initiating bankruptcy proceedings against them under the Bankruptcy Act. 

Yes, a bankruptcy trustee has the authority to recover assets belonging to the bankrupt individual for distribution among creditors. This process involves identifying and liquidating the bankrupt’s assets to satisfy outstanding debts as much as possible. 

Insolvency practitioners are licensed professionals who assist individuals and companies in financial distress. In bankruptcy cases, they may act as bankruptcy trustees, overseeing the administration of the bankrupt estate and facilitating the distribution of assets to creditors. 

Unsecured debts are those not backed by collateral, such as credit card debts or personal loans. In bankruptcy, these debts are typically discharged, meaning the debtor is relieved of the obligation to repay them, subject to certain exceptions outlined in the Bankruptcy Act. 

When a debtor is declared bankrupt, they may face various consequences, including restrictions on obtaining credit, potential loss of assets, and limitations on overseas travel. Additionally, bankruptcy can impact employment opportunities and personal reputation, highlighting the importance of seeking legal advice promptly. 

Recovery proceedings involve efforts by creditors or bankruptcy trustees to reclaim assets or funds owed to the bankrupt estate. These processes may target transactions made prior to bankruptcy, such as preferential payments or transactions at undervalue, aiming to ensure fair distribution among creditors.

Bankrupt individuals can work with their bankruptcy trustee to develop a budget and financial management plan. It’s crucial to comply with all legal obligations and cooperate with the trustee to facilitate the administration of the bankruptcy estate. 

Yes, bankruptcy can have implications for individuals operating a business or holding specific positions, particularly if those roles involve financial responsibilities or fiduciary duties. It’s essential to understand these potential restrictions and obligations before continuing business activities during bankruptcy. 

Individuals facing a bankruptcy notice or involved in bankruptcy can seek expert legal advice to explore potential avenues for disputing the notice or challenging the proceedings. This may involve demonstrating compliance with legal requirements or presenting evidence to contest the validity of the bankruptcy claim. 

The National Personal Insolvency Index (NPII) in Australia is a publicly accessible electronic register managed by the Australian Financial Security Authority (AFSA). It contains information about individuals who are or have been subject to personal insolvency proceedings, including bankruptcies and debt or personal insolvency agreements. The NPII provides transparency and access to information regarding personal insolvency matters for creditors, trustees, and the public.